On 9 March 2023; at 3.00 p.m. Bangladesh Mahila Parishad (BMP) organized a cultural program, and rally at the premises of the central Shaheed Minar on the occasion of the celebration of International Women’s Day in light of the theme- “Let the digital world be for everyone: to protect women rights and to protest violence against women need non-discriminatory humanitarian creative technology .”

Dr. Fauzia Moslem, the President of Bangladesh Mahila Parishad chaired the program.
A total of more than 100 people including Steps towards Development, BRAC, ADAB, representatives of the Ain and Shalish Kendro, leaders of Bangladesh Mahila Parishad, officers of the organization, and journalists of print and electronic media attended the meeting, cultural program, and rally. Shamapika Haldar of ADAB facilitated the program.
Ranjan Karmakar, Executive Director of Steps towards Development; Shahin Anam, Executive Director of Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF); Maleka Banu, General Secretary of Bangladesh Mahila Parishad; Sanjida Sultana, Additional Executive Director of Karmojibi Nari; Adv. Selina Akter, a senior Lawyer of the Ain and Shalish Kendro; Nabanita Chaudhury, Director of the Gender Justice and Diversity Department of BRAC; Nilufar Begum, Deputy Director of Shakti Foundation; Falguni Tripura, Co-ordinator of Adibashi Nari Network gave topical speeches on the program.
The speakers said that both boys and girls should be taught to respect women from home to stop violence against women. One of the reasons behind women’s backwardness in the use of technology is that the access of using mobile phones, internet is still low. Along with the Government, private entrepreneurs have to take important steps in this regard. Moreover, the speakers claimed to ensure 100 seats for women through direct election for the political empowerment of women in the Parliament.
Shahnaj Shumi, Director of Bangladesh Nari Pragati Shangha read out the proclamation in the meeting. In this proclamation, a total of 13 claims were made, including stopping the political, social, and administrative asylum of torturers of women and girls, and ensuring good governance.

Dr. Fauzia Moslem said in the speech of the President that it is important to connect women with digital technology. As a result of this new change, society and people should be skilled in the use of technology to deal with the various obstacles created in the path of equality between men and women. The women’s movement must be rethought with the changing situation to create a women’s society to ensure equality between men and women.
At the beginning of the program, Lithu Mandal performed a solo song; Purobi Biswas, Nazmun Nahar Nipa, Sharmin Eva, and Hridita Nur Siddiqi performed a chorus song. Performers of Spondon, Proma, and Labonno performed a duet dance, and Shethil, a performer of Spondon performed a solo dance also.

After the program, a rally with different slogans went from Shaheed Minar premises to Shoparjito Shadhinota ( ‘Self earned freedom’, a sculpture by Shamim Sikder commemorating the Bangladesh Liberation war) premises of Dhaka University.