Bangladesh Mahila Parishad organized online parallel event at the 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). On 13th of March 2023 at 6.00 p.m., based on the theme- ‘Equal Rights to property and Resources is must for Gender Equality’.

Dr. Fauzia Moslem, President of Bangladesh Mahila Parishad, moderated the event.
Justice Krishna Debnath, Appellate Division, Bangladesh Supreme Court the keynote paper on the theme. Amit Das Gupta, Deputy Attorney General, Lawyer (Appellate Division, and High Court Division), Bangladesh Supreme Court; Nina Goswami, Director (Program), Law and Justice Center; Nobonita Chaudhary, Director of Gender, Justice, and Diversity (GJD), and Program of Violence Prevention against Women, BRAC; Rownak Jahan, Director (In-charge), Women and Girls’ Empowerment Program, Care Bangladesh, and Sheuti Sabur, Asst. Professor of BRAC University were the speakers.

At the beginning Maleka Banu, General Secretary of Bangladesh Mahila Parishad gave welcome speech. In that parallel event, a total of 88 people from abroad and country were present including Elizabeth Newman, Representative of the International Council of Women, Hamida Hossein, a Prominent Human Rights Leader, Rasheda K Chaudhury, Executive Director of Campaign for Popular Education, Representatives of different international organizations including Plan International, ID, IWPG ,YWCA of Bangladesh, Nari Pokkho, BLAST, Broti, , leaders of The Central and District branches of Bangladesh Mahila Parishad, and officers were present.

After panel discussion, an open discussion was held.
Dr. Fauzia Moslem, moderator of the event and President of Bangladesh Mahila Parishad said that, globally the main agenda of the women’s movement is violence against women. Main cause behind this gender inequality is related to power. Inheritance of property and right to resources is the pre-requisite for economic empowerment of women. She concluded the event by saying, ‘Today’s discussion have focused on the various dimensions and effects of equal rights to property and resources on the life of women.